Part Ⅰ Inaugural Addresses 1.Franklin D.Roosevelt's Third Inaugural Address 2.Bill Clinton's First Inaugural Address 3.Bill Clinton's Second Inaugural Address 4.George W.Bush's Fast Inaugural Address 5.George W.Bush's Second Inaugural Address 6.Nelson Mandela's Inaugural AddressPart Ⅱ Farewell Addrmses 1.Harry Truman's Farewell Address 2.Abdication Speech 3.Richard Nixon's Resignation Speech 4.Farewell to BaseballPart Ⅲ Social Issues 1.Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death 2.Atlanta Compromise 3.Franklin D.Roosevelt's Fast Fireside Chat 4.Preserving Civil Liberties 5.The Strggle for Human Rights 6.Choices and Change 7.A Moral Necessity for Birth Control 8.The Children's EraPart Ⅳ Political Issues 1.Lincoln's Gettysburg Address 2.My Side of the Story [Checkers] 3.I Have a Dream 4.Statement on the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. 5.Foreign Policy of Great Britain Speech 6.Speech to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association 7.We Choose to Go to the Moon 8.Tear Down This WallPart V Wars&Disasters 1.Franklin D.Roosevelt’s war Message-Asking Congress to Declare War on Japan 2.Normandy Address-Final Pep-Talk Speech 3.Iron Curtain Speech 4.Pope John Paul It's Speech at hrael’s Holocaust Memorial 5.Challenger Space Shuttle Explosion SDocCh 6.Responding to Landmines:A Modem Tragedy and It’8 Consequences 7.Obituary to Diana,McC88 0f Wales 8.9/11 Address to the Nation 9.George w.Bush’s Address to Congress and the American People After 9/11